
Follow these 4 unique steps for outbound lead generation: best practices made just for your management style

You’re managing a sales team that just exceeded growth expectations for the year. The numbers are up. Your team has flow, confidence, and accountability. They’re generating leads and making sales calls. Deals are closing every day.

Is this a reality for you? Well, it could be. But what’s the secret ingredient to a high-performing sales team?

Some say it’s grit. Others say it’s passion. And while those answers may be true, don’t they seem a little vague. Generating outbound leads isn’t easy work. It can’t be tied down to empty words and idealism.

Creating outbound lead generation best practices for your sales team starts with one thing: a process. A workflow. A plan. Something that can be measured, tested, and tweaked until perfect (or at least close to perfect).

outbound lead generation best practices

How to discover your own outbound lead generation best practices in four easy steps

Step 1: Pinpoint what inspires “flow” in your team and utilize it

Are your salespeople ready for outbound calls at 9:15 a.m.? Or do they hunker around their desks, sip coffee and answer emails?

We’re not prescribing a cliched “pep rally” at the beginning of the day. We’ve all watched The Office. We understand that salespeople don’t arrive to work like it’s a football game.

But you’d be surprised how outbound lead generation best practices start with small measures. Sometimes the “game-changing” ingredient comes from how you begin each day. Or what tools you utilize. Or setting benchmarks and goals before noon.

Think about when your team is most productive. What are the conditions that support their focus?

  • Setting “rapid-fire” zones that require a certain amount of calls in fifteen minute periods
  • Sales competitions for the day or week
  • Automating the outbound calling process with unique tools (that make it easier to call faster, organize contacts and close deals)

Step 2: Warm-ups make outbound calls easier and more efficient

Salespeople understand that their job is a numbers game. Only a small percentage of outbound calls turn into sales. The real test is endurance and perseverance, particularly in the beginning. But even seasoned professionals on your team need a “warm up” session to start the day.

If you’re serious about phone sales and want to triple the number of calls your team makes in an hour, give Call Logic a try. Sign up for our free trial now!

Pair up your sales agents for a five-minute practice session. Give them a short list of objections so they can train to overcome them during sales calls.

Keep it simple. Thirty-second intervals for each objection. Then switch it up.

You can also ask for a volunteer to make “the first sales call of the day.” The expectations are super low (so there’s no pressure) and everyone has a chance to band together, give support, or even just have a laugh before breaking off for the day.

Step 3: Follow the metrics that lead to more sales

We mentioned numbers, but let’s dig a deeper into that idea.

Outbound lead generation best practices need measurable benchmarks. How else will you know if your strategies work?

Many managers get stuck on the final result (bottom line sales) without considering the metrics that sustain those outcomes. Lead generation is a process, right? And every part of that process should flow smoothly into the next, finally ending with a sale.

So what are the performance metrics you should follow and record? What are the common denominators of your most successful team members?

Effective prospecting is made up of many parts:

  • Calls made per day
  • Calls made during peak hours
  • Follow-up calls to qualified prospects
  • Follow-up emails sent to qualified prospects
  • Average time spent on the phone with a prospect
  • Appointments set per week
  • Callbacks received per week
  • Number of quotes generated per week

You see where this is going? The bottom line sales percentage per sales rep doesn’t tell the whole story. Follow the metrics that track performance, habits, and behaviors, and you’ll have a deeper understanding of your sales team.

Step 4: Test strategies, refine scripts, and measure results

Finally, put your outbound lead generation best practices through a rigorous analysis. Test your strategies. Record results.

Your sales script is a useful tool for A/B testing. Ask your salespeople to use script A for a target customer base. Then have them use script B the next day (or week). What results did you see regarding customer actions? Did your metrics turn out better or worse?

You can also measure your incentives to see how valuable they are to your sales team. Did their performance change when you offered them a different gift or prize?

If you’re serious about phone sales and want to triple the number of calls your team makes in an hour, give Call Logic a try. Sign up for our free trial now!

