
How to Fight to the Finish? Use A Power Dialer

Each day that you go to your office, you know you must be ready to battle it out to capture your share of the real estate market. This business can sometimes feel like a war zone. Thereforefore incorporating savvy technologies, like when you use a power dialer, is one way to come out on top!

Power Dialers Deliver Sales Acceleration

A power dialer adds key weapons to your telesales arsenal, including sales acceleration.

That phrase caught your attention, huh? Sales acceleration is something that agents, like you, could always use a little more of.

According to LiveHive CMO Micheline Nijmeh, you should have access to a set of tools that drive, push and promote the sales cycle. Predictive analytics and automation are two of these tools that serve to help eliminate wasted time and repetitive manual tasks like dialing out to leads on lists:

“Marketing automation or sales enablement technologies – depending on where you sit in the corporate suite – can be found at the very top of the sales funnel. These might include training, prospect engagement or lead qualifications.”

Once you have your lists of qualified leads, though, sales acceleration tools – like a power dialer equipped with preview dialing – come in to play. That power dialer can provide your agents with the details they need to better understand what each individual buyer may be looking for, their previous interactions with you and your agency, and other key information that can help them personalize their communications.

use a power dialer

Choose the Right Weapon at the Right Time

The concept of personalizing calls is important! A report from HubSpot indicates that without using an adequate auto dialer, up to 42 percent of sales representatives are ill-equipped with the data they need prior to making their calls.

Going into a telesales call without knowing what you’re up against is like going into a gunfight with a slingshot!

The information that a power dialer with preview can provide is essential for your agency to find success with telesales campaigns. A power dialer has real-time stats, scripts and responses. Even more, dialers also can predict the right time to call a new lead. Therefore, a power dialer is worth the investment so that you can lessen your chances of abandonment and rejections.

Advancing Forward with a Power Dialer

Just as weaponry has moved beyond the days of sticks and stones, the auto dialers of today have advanced in ability and sophistication. A power dialer can now support your efforts to reach quotas, improve your productivity and ultimately increase your revenues, simply by dialing more calls, faster.

Making more calls means putting you in front of more people, which then naturally leads you towards more buyers who are interested in what you have to offer, sooner. When manually dialing out, the majority of call time is wasted dealing with busy signals, repetitive voicemail-leaving or securing times to follow-up. Utilizing a power dialer bypasses that wasted time and results in doubling the amount of actual talk time that you can have!

use a power dialer

It’s Time to Armor-Up!

When you give your agents the tools they need to succeed, you’ve already won half the battle. By using a power dialer, your agents are able to contact more leads in less time, thus improving their efficiency and productivity. Plus, you’ll be able to track real-time data and statistics on the performance of each agent (whether working in your office or remotely), more easily review areas of concern and recognize successes and take new ground in training and supporting your agency’s advancements.

When it comes to deciding which power dialer is best for your real estate agency, it’s your call. But to give Call Logic a try, contact our knights in shining armor for a FREE live demo today!

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