
Before you start recruiting online, learn how to find sales reps on LinkedIn that add real value to your business

It’s no secret that LinkedIn is a hub for sales professionals. The platform itself offers many uses: research, prospecting, communication and generating revenue. As a sales manager looking to find new talent, LinkedIn is a smart place to start.

The problem: how to find sales reps on LinkedIn without wasting time or energy.

LinkedIn is a big portal. Finding the right sales rep might take time. But there are ways to cut down on the trial and error wavelength.

how to find sales reps on linked

Have a clear picture of salesperson you want to hire

Sales managers fall into the trap of indecision because they don’t know what they’re looking for. Combine that will over a million choices of salespeople, and you have a nightmare situation.

Developing a clear picture of the salesperson you want helps in two majors ways:

  1. Details make your search much easier.
  2. Knowing what you want cuts out a lot of non-candidates.

Consider drawing a small profile of the salesperson in question.

  • Approximately how old is she?
  • What particular skills does she have already?
  • What specific types of experience has she had?
  • What types of businesses does she work for?

Continue with these questions until you have a profile.

how to find sales reps on linked

3 simple ways to find sales reps on LinkedIn

Now that you have a fleshed out profile, it’ll be much easier to find the right salespeople. For the sake of speed, here are three quick ways to scan LinkedIn.

1. Advanced search

If you’re not sure how to find sales reps on LinkedIn, and you don’t want to spend a lot of time, then use the advanced search option. It will pool together a customized list of salespeople closest to your ideal candidate.

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2. Groups

Search through the sales-centric groups that pertain to your industry or desired skill set. For instance, if your sales team makes a lot of outbound sales calls each day, look for groups on those topics. You may find a group that’s centered around cold calling for outbound sales.

3. Companies you admire

Do you have a particular company you want to emulate? Search for them on LinkedIn and scroll through their sales reps. It’s possible you could recruit from right under them, or at least find a network of leading professionals.

how to find sales reps on linked

How to find sales reps on LinkedIn: know the red flags for bad reps

You might know everything you’re looking for, but maybe you’re oblivious to red flags on a given person’s LinkedIn profile. It’s not too much different from viewing a CV, but there are a few particulars that are unique to social profiles.

  • Read through their bios for misspellings, unclear language or an inability to sell themselves.
  • Look at their work histories for job consistency and performance.
  • View how active they are on LinkedIn. Do they share content? Do they actively network? Do connections endorse their skills?
  • Dig into their connections. Have they connected with a lot of prospective clients, customers or accounts? Or do they have random connections from all over?

how to find sales reps on linked

How to position yourself as a good company to work for

Now that you’ve learned how to find sales reps on LinkedIn and created a small pool candidates, it’s important to sell yourself.

Highly sought after sales professionals don’t work for “nobody” companies. You should hold your profile to a high standard as well.

Be sure to fill out all of the pertinent information about your business, its mission, and how it stands out in the marketplace. Try to convey a clear tone that reflects your brand’s personality.

If you’re connecting with a personal profile, make it stand out. Ask yourself, “what would an ideal sales rep look for in our company’s profile? What would she look for in a manager’s profile?”

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