
If you’re selling a timeshare, closing techniques that put buyers at the forefront are your best bet.

Giving control to your potential buyer may be one of the most frightening timeshare closing techniques for a salesperson. You want to seal the deal. You want the buyer on your side. Why would you possibly want to put someone else in the driver’s seat?

Giving control of the situation to the buyer is an effective way to set your customer at ease, which is a great way to get a signature on that sales document. More than that, though, it could be the beginning of a fruitful sales relationship.

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timeshare closing techniques

Timeshare closing techniques that work

As a salesperson, you’re thinking about the close from the moment you engage a prospect in conversation. That doesn’t mean rushing them to a deal, though. It means building a rapport through which they feel comfortable enough to become a customer. And the first step to building rapport is establishing trust.

This is especially important with timeshares. No matter what your timeshare closing techniques, you’ll find them mostly ineffective if you don’t earn your prospect’s respect and trust.

One of the ways you can help build that trust is through your closing technique. While there are sometimes reasons to use hard-sell strategies to sell a timeshare, closing techniques that give some power or perk to the customer will usually get you much further in the process. Here are some classic closing strategies that work wonders for timeshare sales:

1. Make a pros and cons list.

This may sound overly simple, but it works (as long as you have more pros than cons). Outline a list of pros and cons for your prospect to show them that there is more value in buying than there is in not buying. Once people perceive value, it’s hard for them to walk away from it, assuming the price is in their wheelhouse, which it should be if you’ve gotten this far. Remind them what they’re getting and talk down what they might be giving up. This makes people feel like they’re getting a deal, and who doesn’t love a deal?

2. Let them do the talking.

If someone is interested in a timeshare, closing techniques with long, drawn-out monologues from salespeople are unlikely to get them to commit. Instead, have the customer do 75% of the talking. Use active listening to ask relevant questions to find out what it is the prospect wants or needs, then figure out how your product meets those wants or needs. The prospect will feel like they’ve been heard and that’s likely to get them feeling like you’re the person who can meet whatever want or need they may have (as long as you come to the table with solutions).

3. Use the Sharp-Angle Close.

Sometimes buyers will push the envelope to see how much they can get out of a salesperson. That’s okay. Let them ask for more. It only opens the door for the Sharp-Angle Close. With this closing technique, you agree to a buyer’s request—”If I buy this timeshare, can I also get this or that thing with it”—but only if they will sign right away. Buyers appreciate this because you give them what they want, even though they don’t usually expect to sign on the spot.

4. Give them a test drive.

It’s almost unheard of to buy a car without driving it first. Why should it be different with a timeshare? Closing techniques that include free trials are big hits with prospects because they not only feel like they’re getting something for free, but they also get to try before they buy, and that gives everyone a greater sense of trust.

5. Question your way to the close.

Remember that 25% of talking that you’re doing? Most of it should be questions. There’s no exception when it comes to the close. Summarize what you’ve discussed and ask if you’ve missed anything. If they say no, ask if your pitch meets their needs, and if so, are they ready to buy. If they answer yes, find out what you’ve missed and work your way back through questioning from there. This makes a prospect feel nurtured, which puts them at ease to buy.

6. Get them to rate your pitch.

On a scale of one to five, how was your pitch? Prospects love this because again, it gives them power. They may tell you your pitch was terrible. More than likely, though, they’ll give you a three, four, or five. From there, you can ask what was missing, which again makes a prospect feel nurtured, and gives you a chance to revisit a topic that may not be clear for them. (If it’s a five go for the close!)

7. Ask their opinion on the product.

Finally, one of the most appreciated timeshare sales techniques is simply asking the prospect what they think of your product. Like many of these techniques, it puts them in charge, but it also gives you valuable insight into what the prospect is looking for and what else you may be able to offer them.

Use any of these techniques or all of them and see how customers flock to your side!

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