
Cold calling is precise science. And it’s hard. Picking up the phone and calling strangers must seem crazy to a lot of people, but if you’ve bought into the sales game in any industry, you will definitely have experience with cold calling. That experience can terrify even the most experienced telemarketers, but it’s part of the big picture for your job, so if you want to be successful at it (and maybe get to a place in your company where you don’t have to do it anymore), it’s time to take some advice about cold calling techniques from the professionals.

When it comes down to it, you can improve your cold calling techniques on two levels. You have the personal side of sales – how you manage your own emotions, how to get yourself in the right frame of mind, how to deal with rejection and setbacks. And you have the strategies and tactics you use to navigate the sales process, like using sales scripts, objection management documents, techniques, etc. Cold calling is a science, but if you are committed to it, it doesn’t have to be difficult.


Here are 6 ways to help improve your cold calling experience:

Be Prepared

The Boy Scouts got it right when they picked this as their motto. It may seem vague, but if you take the time to prepare yourself for the calls you need to make, you can walk into your office with more confidence and you will have the strength to spur yourself on when the work gets tiresome. Ask yourself a few questions:

  • What’s your goal for each call?
  • Who is your audience?
  • Who are you and what company do you represent?
  • What are you offering the person on the other end of the line?
  • Why should that person choose your solution over another?
  • What is your call to action?

Be Yourself

Have you ever seen the Disney movie ‘Aladdin?’ In one part, the Genie, played by Robin Williams, had disguised himself as a bee and, as Aladdin was trying to win over the princess, whispered, “Beeeee yourself.” While a children’s movie isn’t necessarily the best resource for training on cold calling techniques, the advice from the Genie is apropos. You can only be you – if you try to make cold calls just like someone else, the customer will be able to see right through it most of the time. Modeling your calls after someone, like using some of the same languages or trying some of their techniques, can benefit your calls, but unless you present yourself the way you really are, you won’t gain the trust of your customers and, in turn, you’ll lose business.


Be Smart

Whether it’s using a script, practicing your pitch, utilizing a power or predictive dialer, or preparing a solid opening statement, make sure you’re handling yourself and your calls in a smart way. Some people may think that using tools means you’re not holding your own with cold calling, but if you ask the pros, every one of them started out using everything at their disposal to aid their cold calling techniques. If you do the due diligence beforehand, you can easily turn a couple of successful calls into a lot more.

Be Nice

This may sound like common sense, but if you’re too cold in your cold calls, no one will respond well to you. Try to use a warm, friendly tone in your voice – if that’s not natural, practice! You’re not always going to care deeply about the reason for your cold calling, but you can remember to treat people the way you would want to be treated. This especially includes the gatekeepers – the first individuals to handle the calls for a business (like a secretary). If you don’t get past them, you won’t be doing business with that company. It may seem like a chess game at times, but if you play the game well, those gatekeepers will not only get you to the right people, they will be your advocate on the inside.

Be Optimistic

Sadly, cold calling involves a lot of rejection, and it can be easy to get discouraged. And while not everyone’s personality lends itself to being happy-go-lucky, having a positive attitude is one of the best ways to overcome the hardships of cold calling.


Be Creative

It’s time to use your imagination! Everyone has heard the same old cold calling techniques – if you can, personalize your script and try new techniques. You can try warming up your cold calls by finding leads on social media sites – it’s a great way to research your target market to see what your future customers are talking about and what is important to them. Find commonalities with the people you’re talking to. If you’re not the creative type, find someone who is and ask them what to do. Read articles, take a training class, find ways to network with people. You may have to think outside of the box!

Are You A Pro?

If the professionals use whatever tools they can get their hands on, then it’s time for you to do the same. If you’re looking to up your cold calling game, we can help! At Call Logic, we have designed a cloud based, TCPA compliant auto dialing software to increase your cold calling traffic, and help you and your employees stay consistently successful on a daily basis. Give us a call today for a free demo!

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